# Owner The English Garage on the French Riviera ## Site: bilingual English (en) & French (fr): + rivieragarage.com + rivieragarage.com/fr # Team Created in Manchester by the web & consultancy teams at [shoes for industry](shoesforindustry.net) ## Thanks Thanks to everyone who helped out during this project, especially Lloyd and Owen for testing, Susan for legal beagling and John Wilde for his patience & just being a really nice person to work with. Also many thanks to Errol Bayliss for the splendid French translation. ## Colophon + *Fonts:* + Open Sans, served locally but from Google Fonts + Racing Sans One, served locally but from Google Fonts + *Images:* Unless we created them ourselves, the SVG icons are licensed from [IcoMoon](https://icomoon.io) except for the 'Sinnbild Kfz' car which has been adapted from [Sinnbild Kfz(Historisches).svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sinnbild_Kfz_%28Historisches%29.svg) by Svgalbertian. + *Standards*: HTML5, CSS3 + *Components*: Kirby 2, Javascript, PHP, MultiMarkdown + *Software*: Textmate, Byword, iDraw, CodeKit, Transit, GitHub + *Server*: Ubuntu virtual server, running on SSD, nginX/PHP